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Astro Steves Astrophysics Blog: Oscillating Universe Theory

Sunday 31 October 2010

Oscillating Universe Theory

I may also mention Oscillation theory a few times. It could be feaseable, but i'm less sure of this explanation as it's less mathematical (even though randomness can occur in mathematics.)

Oscillation theory predicts that a fifth dimension (it's uncomprehendable to us, don't worry if you cant visualise it) of vacuum acts between 'universes' and occasionally pulls them together. Imagine a flat ocean that is infinitely vast and now imagine an upside-down ocean, parallel to the first and equaly vast (floating above the first.) This leaves a strip of air between the waters and this air is the fifth dimension. But this air is a black vaccuum trying to pull the water together and this water is two multi-verses, quite close to eachother. The 'pulling' of the vacuum creates ripples and waves on the water and when the waves of the the two verticaly parallel oceans collide, it creates a huge splash of matter in the vacuum and this creates a new multi-verse.

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