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Astro Steves Astrophysics Blog: Cyclic Universe Theory

Sunday 31 October 2010

Cyclic Universe Theory

I'll mention cyclic theory a few times, so here's an explanation.

Cyclic theory predicts that the current universe will end in a "big crunch" where so much matter is in existence that the gravitational force of the universe will slow its own expansion to a halt and then contract, reversing the direction of space-time (the fourth, not-fully-physical dimension). The "big crunch" is already an conceived theory, so cyclic theory predicts that the "big crunch" will be true in its own right. So what happens when the universe has crushed itself into a super dense singularity (the smallest amount of matter possible) again? Well if the entire universe were somehow contained in such a small space and all the forces with it then it would automaticaly expand with cataclysmic force, heat and speed. Another big bang. Only this time, because the entire universe was just mangled beyond recognition, everything is a little bit different.

I like this theory because it means that the teleological (design) argument for the existence of god is useless. The teleological argument says that because everything is so complicated and works so well, only god could have created it. But if a slightly different universe is created after every "big crunch", then the current universe was going to be created sooner or later and without a god.


  1. The new blog is looking good Steve. Should only be a matter of time before you start picking up visits from like minded people.
    Probably a good idea to seek out some other similar blogs and 'follow' them as you've done mine (thanks). That way people with the same interest will find your blog quicker.
    Meanwhile I'll keep looking in to see what you've written....even if I don't understand it!

  2. well i've tried but all the obvious ones aren't even related to astrophysics.
    nasa.blogspot is about a swedish lady on holiday and astrophysics.blogspot is a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about and his cat called Miu!

  3. They're difficult to find without a blogger search engine. I'll keep looking but in the meantime check out Looks as if it might be of interest in a non blogging kind of way.


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