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Astro Steves Astrophysics Blog: On the taking of generic site names without making good use of them

Sunday 6 February 2011

On the taking of generic site names without making good use of them

Excuse me while I have a little rant, because was created by an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. The site should belong to someone more educated, because 'astrobuff' is wrong and the site isn't even about astrophysics, just normal everday physics.

In the top post, 'astrobuff' says "Can you hear in space? In theory, if there is nothing to receive the sound, there is no sound. Because there are no "air waves" in space to conduct the sound, it would not carry. So, the object would make a noise, but it would not carry to any receiver, and no one would hear it."

WRONG! There will always be a receiver, because the reciever can be any matter and it doesn't have to be a concious being like a human or any other animal. Sound is created due to the vibration of matter and this matter is the 'receiver'.

WRONG AGAIN! There's no theory that says there won't be a sound without a 'receiver'. In theory, if there is nothing concious to receive the sound, there WILL still be a sound, get your facts straight!

AND AGAIN! I like how they've put "air waves" in speech marks like that, because they aren't sure whether to write this. Air 'waves' dont exist, air is made of trillions of trillions of microscopic pieces of matter- atoms and molecules (which are made of even smaller things). so air should not be treated as a wave, but as gaseous matter.

AND AGAIN! Finally, they contradict themselves when they say that "the object would make a noise, but it would not carry to any receiver". In space, where there is practicaly zero air between planets (there is some, but it's very very scarce, so it's generaly treated as a vacuum) you can't make a sound, because there is no air to carry the vibrations. So if you hit the outside of a shuttle, the astronauts inside would hear it because there's air inside but you wouldn't because you're outside in a spacesuit and there is no matter between you and the shuttle to carry the vibration.

Apart from all this rubbish, is about their black cat called miu which has no relation to astrophysics AT ALL and this is why should be repossessed by blogger and reserved for an actual astrophysicist.

1 comment:

  1. So I clicked on that blog;
    Your webpage will now be powned,
    and I freaked out thanks to you xD
    It was pretty awesome though.(:


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