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Astro Steves Astrophysics Blog: According to the bible heaven is hotter than hell

Friday 4 February 2011

According to the bible heaven is hotter than hell

First of all, if you have a bible, read Isaiah 30:26. This says that 'moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun and the llight of the sun shall be seveonfold as the light of seven days'. From this you can draw that heaven would receive as much radiation from the moon as the earth does from the sun and the seven times seven (49) mentioned in the passage, so 50 relative units of radiation in all.

Using the Stefan-Boltzmann fourth-power law for radiation, there is mathematical proof that Heaven would therefore be an insufferable 525˚C.

Now read Revelations 21:8, which describes the damned condemned to 'a lake which burneth with fire and brimstone' which means the sulphur in the brimstone must be a liquid and therefore below the boiling point of 444.6˚C because above that, the lake would be vapour and not a lake.

Therefore, Hell would be below 444.6˚C, so according to the bible, Heaven is over 80.4˚C hotter than Hell.

Of course this was all written a long, long time ago before they realised that it would all be proved wrong, because they unsurpringly didn't have the technology or methodolgy to test any of this.
And then to make it all look even worse, in 1998 Eugenio Ramiro Pose (the Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid and Titular Bishop of Turuda) decided that you should actualy ignore one of the sevens in the bible, admitting it to be wrong (although this is stupid because you can't change facts to suit your purpose!).

The funny part is, many people chose to believe his ridiculous interjection which shows how easily the church can move the goal posts away from science, which particularly frustrates me.
And may I just point out that even with his desperate statement, Heaven would still be 231.5˚C and is still doesn't sound like a plausible temperature for 'paradise'.

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