I've been reading 'the never ending days of being dead' by Marcus Chown and he's compiled a few interesting ideas. It's lead me to think that the expansion of the universe is recorded by the universe, which causes it to expand more and record this and expand even more... in short that the universes expansion causes the universe to expand in itself.
This probably sounds confusing and or strange, but it's really not.
1. During the first few yoctoseconds, all the matter and energy began to escape from the impossibly super-dense singularity of creation. The big bang. For this to happen, time must be existent or nothing would move (infact if time never existed then nothing at all would have ever existed!) and therefore the dimension of space-time was born.
2. As something moves, it leaves a record in the relative past of it's movement.
3. As things are 'recorded' on the cosmic storyboard of the 4th dimension, space-time expands.
4. As space-time expands, things are 'recorded' on the cosmic storyboard of the 4th dimension.
5. Therefore spacetime exists for its own cause because space-time needs more space-time.
6. Therefore it expands because it expands.
7. Therefore its a reason WITHIN ITSELF.
This is exiting because one of the eternal philosophical questions is 'how can something have come from apparent nothing?', surely if nothing existed then existance would have to have a purpose within itself. It would need a REASON WITHIN ITSELF.